Japan Will Invest Its Pensions In US Infrastructure To Create wwwzerohedgecomjapan-will-contribute its-annuities us-structure make hundre Feb 2, 2017 - According to Japan's Nikkei, establishment interests in the US by Japan's GPIF will incorporate enthusiastically in the monetary joint effort package to be discussed at. SECgov | Home https:wwwsecgov 6 hours earlier - Image for Checking the Database on your Investment Professional The provider has since taught us that the issues have been settled and no further Placed assets into the USA (IIUSA) | EB-5 Trade Association https:iiusaorg. Feb 14, 2017 - IIUSA is the national trade relationship for the EB-5 Regional Center Program Our people speak to 95% of capital improvement and business creation from EB-5 About the EB-5 Visa Classification | USCIS. Feb 16, 2017 - USCIS coordinates the EB-5 program, made by Congress in 1990 to enable the U...